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Lunchtime and Snack

Snack will be available at all times during the day, this will consist of a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables and water and milk to drink. Milk is provided free of charge by the council for all children under the age of five.

If your child is at pre-school for the whole day or the afternoon session, they will need to bring a packed lunch from home.  Children can use their water bottles at lunchtime, but you may wish to pack a healthy fruit drink for your child. Please be mindful that fizzy and carbonated drinks are not permitted.

Please will you make sure that your child’s lunchbox, snack boxes and any other containers are clearly marked with his/her name on the outside.

Please do not send packets of sweets in the lunchbox.  We are a healthy eating pre-school so we would be most grateful if you could bear this in mind when sending children with packed lunch. We like to see the children eating fresh fruit and vegetables as these are vital for good health.  

We are a nut free pre-school as a number of children at Parkfield have severe allergies.

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